As soon as I found out I was going to be in Paris when the Chloé. Attitudes exhibition was on at Palais de Tokyo I knew I had to go. As you may know from my last couple of posts, Chloé has long been my most lusted after brand. The ease of wear, the campaigns and the perfect colour palette, but I'd never really looked into the history.
The exhibition isn't huge but it gives such a good sense of the growth of the brand, starting with cotton varsity playsuits to the chic, flowing dresses that we see now.
The styling was so intricate on every single one of the mannequins, from the waterfall braids to the hair being formed into a crown but the continuity came from the ballet slippers on each girl posed on tiptoes to add elegance.
The contrast of this rich, luxe history held in a simple, dark room and each display in a metal framed box just enhanced the beauty of the clothing and created no distractions.
I think it's highly unlikely that I'll ever own an item of Chloé clothing so seeing this many pieces in this setting and even the original sketches by Karl Lagerfeld that were on show makes me feel incredibly lucky.
We didn't see anything else in the Palais de Tokyo as my Mama so eloquently said it was all a bit beyond us, but if you happen to be in Paris and have any interest at all in fashion or even art, then this is absolutely a must see. It takes around 30 minutes to view the exhibit so it won't take up your entire day, unless you follow it up with a beautiful walk along the Seine towards the Eiffel Tower, or like we did, precede it with a walk up the Champs-Elysées and back along Avenue George V admiring the boutiques.
Thanks for such a useful post!)
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